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RE18 Exam Dumps - BCS Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering 2018

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Exam Code: RE18

Exam Name: BCS Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering 2018

Certification Provider: BCS

Corresponding Certifications: Business Analysis , BCS Other Certification


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BCS RE18 Exam FAQs

Introduction of BCS RE18 Exam!

BCS RE18 is an exam for the BCS Professional Certificate in Requirements Engineering. It covers the principles and techniques for requirements engineering, including the identification and management of requirements, the development of requirements specifications and the use of modelling techniques.

What is the Duration of BCS RE18 Exam?

The duration of the BCS RE18 exam is 2 hours.

What are the Number of Questions Asked in BCS RE18 Exam?

There is no set number of questions in the BCS RE18 Exam. The exam is based on real-world scenarios and may contain different types of questions.

What is the Passing Score for BCS RE18 Exam?

The passing score required in the BCS RE18 exam is 50%.

What is the Competency Level required for BCS RE18 Exam?

The competency level required for the BCS RE18 exam is Professional.

What is the Question Format of BCS RE18 Exam?

The BCS RE18 exam consists of multiple-choice questions.

How Can You Take BCS RE18 Exam?

The BCS RE18 exam can be taken either online or at a testing center. To take the exam online, candidates must register and purchase an exam voucher from the BCS website. To take the exam at a testing center, candidates must register and purchase an exam voucher from the BCS website and then locate a testing center near them. Once the exam voucher is purchased, the candidate will be able to schedule an exam appointment.

What Language BCS RE18 Exam is Offered?

BCS RE18 Exam is offered in English.

What is the Cost of BCS RE18 Exam?

The cost of the BCS RE18 exam is £250.

What is the Target Audience of BCS RE18 Exam?

The target audience for the BCS RE18 Exam is IT professionals who are looking to gain a professional certification in Requirements Engineering. This exam is designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of Requirements Engineering.

What is the Average Salary of BCS RE18 Certified in the Market?

The average salary for someone with a BCS RE18 certification will vary depending on their experience, job role, and location. According to Payscale, the average salary for a BCS RE18 certified professional is around $75,000 per year.

Who are the Testing Providers of BCS RE18 Exam?

The British Computer Society (BCS) is responsible for providing the RE18 exam. They are the only organization that can provide the exam.

What is the Recommended Experience for BCS RE18 Exam?

The recommended experience for the BCS RE18 exam is a minimum of two years' experience in a relevant role, such as a software tester, business analyst, or software developer. Candidates should also have a good understanding of the principles of software testing, including test planning, test execution, test analysis, and test reporting.

What are the Prerequisites of BCS RE18 Exam?

The Prerequisite for BCS RE18 Exam is that you must have a minimum of two years’ experience in the IT industry and have a good understanding of the principles and practices of requirements engineering.

What is the Expected Retirement Date of BCS RE18 Exam?

The official website for the BCS RE18 exam is https://www.bcs.org/exams/re18/. On this page, you can find information regarding the exam, including the expected retirement date.

What is the Difficulty Level of BCS RE18 Exam?

The difficulty level of the BCS RE18 exam is moderate.

What is the Roadmap / Track of BCS RE18 Exam?

The certification roadmap for the BCS RE18 exam is as follows:

1. Complete the BCS RE18 Foundation Certificate in Requirements Engineering.

2. Pass the BCS RE18 Practitioner Certificate in Requirements Engineering.

3. Pass the BCS RE18 Advanced Certificate in Requirements Engineering.

4. Pass the BCS RE18 Professional Certificate in Requirements Engineering.

5. Pass the BCS RE18 Expert Certificate in Requirements Engineering.

What are the Topics BCS RE18 Exam Covers?

BCS RE18 exam covers the following topics:

1. Requirements Engineering Processes: This section covers the fundamental principles of requirements engineering, including the techniques and processes used to identify, analyze, and document customer requirements.

2. Requirements Analysis: This section covers the techniques used to analyze customer requirements and to identify any conflicts or inconsistencies. It also covers the techniques used to identify and prioritize requirements.

3. Requirements Modeling: This section covers the techniques used to model customer requirements, including the use of use cases, activity diagrams, and state diagrams.

4. Requirements Management: This section covers the techniques used to manage customer requirements, including the use of traceability matrices and change control processes.

5. Requirements Validation: This section covers the techniques used to validate customer requirements, including the use of formal verification and validation techniques.

6. Requirements Verification: This section covers the techniques used to verify customer requirements, including the use of

What are the Sample Questions of BCS RE18 Exam?

1. What is the purpose of the Unified Modeling Language (UML)?
2. How does the use of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) improve software development?
3. What are the differences between the waterfall and iterative software development models?
4. Describe the roles and responsibilities of a requirements engineer?
5. What techniques can be used to develop an effective requirements specification?
6. What are the benefits of using automated testing tools?
7. How can software quality assurance be improved?
8. Explain the concept of software architecture and its importance in software development?
9. Describe the process of object-oriented design and its benefits?
10. What strategies can be employed to ensure successful software project management?

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